
The vision of The Caring Hand was born in the Latin American countries where some of us observed the most horrific site. Orphaned, homeless and destitute children perused through garbage piles. This was just a prelude to something much worse. At the city's garbage dumps scavenging kids like animals sought for scraps of food and clothing. At another dump little kids were sniffing cans of paint and other chemical refuse; hungry and homeless they were drowning their nightmares in intoxicating yet poisonous vapors, perhaps hastening the looming end to their misery. What others do for fun these kids were doing out of immeasurable by any means despair. Since that day we have decided to do something about the garbage kids of not only Latin America, but also all industrialized countries where wealth and poverty neighbor each other. Something must be done. This cannot go on. As long as decent people still walk this planet they must be first inspired and then involved. The Caring Hand's goal is to do just that. We need your help in this endeavor. Problems like these cannot be solved by just giving alone, but also through education and information exchange. Our long-term goals include shelters and orphanages and educational centers for both the donor as well as the beneficiaries of our charity, the children.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Orphan Victoria Rani
 We are people of many walks of life, young and old. We care about not just the planet itself, but its inhabitants, but especially children who either have lost their parents or have been abandoned.

We do not discriminate; we are peacemakers.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God—said Jesus in Matthew 5:9.
Peacemakers are actually those who seek peace and make peace therefore we deduce from the above words that war-makers could not be called sons of God for the Creator associates Himself with peace and harmony.

Peace and harmony on this planet is our responsibility to create.

Questions like, 'if God exists then why does He not do this or that...?' do not interest us since we know that we are meant to reign over this planet. Making war is not the proper reign.

Our aim is to help to alleviate suffering and since our rule has not yet ended we are still very much in charge of our resources, food production and distribution to any stricken with drought or cataclysms, nature or man-made disaster areas.

Our primary goal is to educate and help.


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